(Verizon Channels 30, 31 & 32, Comcast Channels 9, 20 & 95)
Statement………………………………………………………………… 2
Definition of Terms…………………………………………………… 3-6
Municipal & Public Access Programming……………………….page 5
Program Scheduling & Cablecasting Procedures…………… 8-10
Technical and Quality Standards……………………………………page 10-11 Credits/Disclaimers/Labeling of Sensitive Material…………page 11
Grants, Underwriting and Sponsorship………………………… 11
Personal Profit/Commercial Use…………………………………….page 12
Bicycled Programs…………………………………………………………page 12
Use of Facilities and Equipment…………………………………… 12-14
Volunteer Standards of Conduct…………………………………… 14-15
General Rules for Equipment Use……………………………………page 15-16 Portable/Field equipment………………………………………………page 16-17
Editing and Post Production………………………………………… 17
Program Planning Proposal……………………………………………page 17
Use of LakeCAM During Emergencies…………………………….page 17
Program Content………………………………………………………… 17-18 Prohibitions………………………………………………………………….page 18
LakeCAM Program Rights…………………………………………… 18-19
Political & Issue-Oriented Programs……………………………….page 19-20 Grievances/Public Record …………………………………………… 20
Bulletin Board Announcements………………………………………page 20-21
Access User Agreement………………………………………………………… 22 Producer/Endorser Information………………………………………………page 23
Organizational Access User Agreement…………………………………… 24
Volunteer Information…………………………………………………………….page 25
Bulletin Board Request……………………………………………………………page 26
DVD Request (non-Public Record).…………………………….. ………… 27
DVD Request (Boards & Committees for Municipal Meetings).… 28
Portable Equipment Request…………………………………………………….page 29
Program Proposal…………………………………………………………………….page 30
Coverage Commitment/Reimbursement…………………………………….page 31
Media Submission for Meetings…………………………………………………page 32
Talent Release for Minors …………………………………………………………page 33
LakeCAM (Lakeville Community Cable Access Media) is a non-profit 501(c)3 access corporation providing the town’s public, educational and government programming television stations. It is overseen by a Board of Directors that is independent from Lakeville’s Board of Selectmen. LakeCAM programs can be watched in Lakeville on Verizon channels 30, 31 & 32, and Comcast channels 9, 20 & 95.
We do not select nor do we censor local programs or editorial content. Our Policies and Procedures are designed to ensure that our resources are used only for their intended purposes and that all who wish to participate will have an equal opportunity.
Mission Statement
LakeCAM was established to provide quality local programming for the residents of Lakeville including municipal meeting coverage, community events, and other non- commercial programs of local interest or importance.
LakeCAM reserves the right to review all definitions and policies contained in this Policies and Procedures Manual and has the discretion to make changes as it deems necessary.
Access Channels — Channels set aside by the cable operator for use by the public,
educational institutions, municipal government, or for lease on a non-discriminatory basis.
Access User — Any qualified Lakeville resident or employee of a non-profit organization that serves Lakeville. To be able to produce programming for cablecast, the user must qualify by successfully completing training and sign the Access User Manual indicating agreement to the terms and conditions contained in it. The user can then schedule equipment and facilities through the LakeCAM Executive Director
Advertising — Announcements cablecast to promote a commercial product or service. LakeCAM does not accept commercial or paid political advertising on access channels. Monetary and/or in-kind donations will be acknowledged.
Bicycled Program — A program that has not been produced at the LakeCAM facility but is produced elsewhere and is delivered to LakeCAM for possible cablecast (as determined by the LakeCAM Executive Director).
LakeCAM Executive Director — This term refers to the individual who is the chief executive of LakeCAM who provides overall planning, supervision and coordination of the programming on the Public, Educational and Government Access Channels and other duties as my be assigned by the LakeCAM Board of Directors.
Candidate, legally qualified for office — Any person who has publicly announced candidacy by formal declaration and meets the legal qualifications for office. No cable television system is required to permit the use of its facilities by any legally qualified candidate for public office, but if any system shall permit any such candidate to use its facilities, it shall afford equal opportunities to all other candidates for that office to use such facilities. Such system shall have no power of censorship over the material cablecast by any such candidate. Appearance by a legally qualified candidate on any:
(1) Bona fide newscast;
(2) Bona fide news interview;
(3) Bona fide news documentary (if the appearance of the candidate is incidental to the presentation of the subject or subjects covered by the news documentary); or
(4) On-the-spot coverage of bona fide news events (including, but not limited to political conventions and activities incidental thereto) shall not be deemed to be use of a system. (See Section 315(a) of the Communications Act.)
CG or Character Generator — A device which electronically displays letters and numbers on the television screen.
Copyright — Is a form of intellectual property law, which protects original works of authorship including but not limited to literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies or songs.
Crew — Volunteers working with the Producer to assist in the production of programming. At times it may not be possible to find enough Lakeville residents to act as crew for a Producer, so the resident requirements may be waived by the LakeCAM Executive Director on a case- by-case basis. However, only a resident of Lakeville may be a LakeCAM Producer.
Educational Access — Channel time and resources reserved for non-commercial educational access programming.
Endorser — A resident of Lakeville, or an organization in Lakeville, that agrees to hold LakeCAM and/or the Town of Lakeville, MA, harmless from any and all liabilities arising from airing of the specific program that is being endorsed to cablecast on LakeCAM.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) — The governmental agency which regulates electronic communication in the United States of America.
Government Cablecasting –Access for local, state and federal officials to disseminate information to their constituents via cable television. This can be accomplished by submitting the appropriate electronic media for cablecast or text data for inclusion on a bulletin board or by participating in an interview program on the access channel.
Hardware — Equipment involved in the production, storage, distribution or reception of electronic signals. Examples are, but are not limited to, television production equipment like cameras and microphones.
Interconnect — Connection of two or more cable systems by contemporary technical means, so that programming may be exchanged, shared or simultaneously viewed.
Issuing Authority — The governmental body responsible for specifying the terms of a proposed cable television franchise and to eventually grant an operating license to a cable operator. In Lakeville, MA, the Board of Selectmen is the Issuing Authority for cable television franchises.
Leased Access — Any cable television channels which can be leased from a cable operator for a fee.
Local Origination Programming — Cable programming entirely planned, produced or obtained by LakeCAM for cablecast on the local cable system
LakeCAM — Lakeville Community Access Media, Inc, a 501(c)3 public non-profit corporation which provides Lakeville with public access, educational access and goverment
access television programming, as designated by the Lakeville Board of Selectmen in January of 2012.
Obscene Material — The FCC has defined cablecast indecency as “language or material that, in context, depicts or describes, in terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards for the cablecast medium, sexual or excretory organs or activities.” Indecent programming contains patently offensive sexual or excretory material that does not rise to the level of obscenity.
The FCC uses a three-pronged definition for obscenity:
• An average person, applying contemporary community standards, must find that the material, as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest;
• The material must depict or describe, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by applicable law; and
• The material, taken as a whole, must lack serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.
According to a Supreme Court decision, material is obscene, and hence not protected by the free-speech provision of the First Amendment if it has three elements: It must have prurient appeal, as decided by the average person applying the standards of the community; it must portray sexual conduct in an offensive way; and it must be lacking in serious artistic, literary, scientific, or political value.
PEG (Channels) — Refers to the Public, Educational and Governmental access television channels.
Producer/Endorser — The access or organizational user that is responsible for the production of a specific program to be aired on a PEG channel. The producer/endorser must be a resident of Lakeville, Massachusetts, USA. The producer/endorser must agree to be personally and financially responsible, and hold LakeCAM, LakeCAM employees and/or Board of Directors and/or the Town of Lakeville, MA, harmless from any and all liabilities arising from the production of the specific program. In the case of a minor acting as a producer/endorser, his or her guardian agrees to assume the responsibility outlined above.
Public Access Programming — The channel time available on a first-come, first served non- discriminatory basis specifically for noncommercial access programming by Lakeville, MA residents or non-profit organizations serving Lakeville, MA at LakeCAM’s discretion.
Regular Access User –An Access User who has used the equipment or facilities and has cablecast a program on a channel for two or more occasions in a four-week period. A Regular Access User will have the first opportunity, with the approval of the LakeCAM Executive Director, to “reserve” a specific time to cablecast a program.
Training — Is the successful completion of exercises and a thorough knowledge of the techniques to produce a professional quality television program for cablecast as defined by the LakeCAM Executive Director.
Volunteer – Access Users who volunteer their time and services for assisting in the production of programming. Under the discretion of the LakeCAM Executive Director, a trained Access User may be eligible for a stipend for the recording of a specific event or meeting for cablecast.
LakeCAM municipal & public access objectives:
1. LIVE, recorded and archived coverage of municipal meetings in order to increase community awareness.
2. Coverage of special events in the community.
3. Supply residents and organizations of Lakeville with a forum for non-commercial ideas and information.
4. Supplement public safety and disaster preparedness activities/information pertaining to the Town of Lakeville, MA and surrounding communities.
Municipal programming shall be established to provide direct, non-editorialized information to the citizens of Lakeville, MA. Programming formats will consist of the following:
1. Board of Selectmen coverage – All public meetings of the Lakeville Board of Selectmen may be cablecast LIVE or tape delay, on LakeCAM according to the following editorial guidelines:
• Coverage of the Board of Selectmen shall be gavel-to-gavel excluding executive session items.
• Public meeting coverage shall not be edited or subject to editorial comment. Editing of technical difficulties is permitted, but must alert viewers of the edit necessitated by the technical difficulties.
• A title graphic may indicate the name of the speaker and their title.
• Public meetings recorded for cablecast are to be re-cablecast at least once.
• Digital media to be presented at any Board of Selectmen’s meeting must be submitted to LakeCAM no later than 2 business days prior to the scheduled meeting in order to be available for audience viewing at the time of the meeting.
• The following media formats are acceptable for presentation at the meeting:
PDF, QuickTime, JPEG, MPEG2, Word Documents, Excel Documents and Power Point presentations.
2. Other Public Meetings & Hearings of Lakeville boards and committees, special or ad-hoc
committees, task forces, other events scheduled by Town elected officials, Town Administrator and Town boards may be covered and cablecast on LakeCAM according to the following guidelines:
• Coverage will generally conform to all of the provisions Lakeville Board of Selectmen’s meetings except they may or may not be aired LIVE.
• Meetings not held in the Lakeville Board of Selectmen’s Room, the Small Conference Room at Town Hall or the Lakeville Public Library’s Great Ponds Gallery may require special equipment and staffing/volunteers. Requests for video coverage of Town boards & committees, special or ad-hoc committees, task forces, other events scheduled by Town elected officials require a prior written request for coverage to LakeCAM at least 14 days in advance. Acceptance of coverage will be subject to the approval of LakeCAM. Coverage of meetings will be limited to staffing capabilities and equipment on hand at that time. Per the Massachusetts Open Meeting law, LakeCAM has the right to record any and all public meetings (excluding executive session).
• Video coverage of Town boards & committees, special or ad-hoc committees, task forces, other events scheduled by Town elected officials may not conflict with the cablecasting of the Lakeville Selectmen’s meetings.
3. Public Meetings of Other Governmental Jurisdictions – Public meetings held in the Selectmen’s Room, the Small Conference Room or Lakeville Public Library’s Great Ponds Gallery by other governmental jurisdictions such as State or Federal government may be cablecast LIVE, or recorded and cablecast if approved by LakeCAM.
4. Informational Programs – Any Town department or agency may produce, suggest or assist in the production of programming for LakeCAM. Town departments or agencies may submit program proposals or requests for production or cablecast of programs which are appropriate. All programming is subject to approval by LakeCAM.
5. Outside Programming – Non-Lakeville (outside) municipal programming may be cablecast on the government channel. Outside programming must be acquired or sponsored by a Town department, committee or resident. All outside programming is subject to approval by LakeCAM. Outside programming must be in a format acceptable to LakeCAM and meet the minimal technical specifications identified in these policies and procedures. Outside programming shall adhere to the copyright requirements contained in these policies.
• Any programming prepared or provided by a Town department, board or committee may be modified or edited as appropriate for cablecast.
6. Programming For Elected Officials – In the interest of fairness, it shall be the policy of LakeCAM to not provide production services for elected officials to produce their own series programming. Elected officials may produce and provide their own individually produced programming to be cablecast on LakeCAM upon approval by LakeCAM.
LakeCAM’s staff will provide training, technical assistance, production equipment and channel time, free of charge to residents and organizations of Lakeville, MA who wish to produce local non-commercial programming. LakeCAM’s staff may not be available to serve as production or post production crew but may provide contact information of trained, certified volunteers to assist local producers.
At LakeCAM’s discretion, channel and facility times are provided on a first-come, first- served, non-discriminatory basis to any LakeCAM Resident Access User filing a request, in accordance with the operating rules. It should be understood, however, that since this is a shared resource, specific channel time and equipment use requests cannot always be guaranteed.
A. Scheduling Channel Time
1. Requests for channel time shall be processed on a fair and equitable, non-discriminatory basis, subject to the availability of cablecasting equipment and channel time.
2. Channel time scheduling requests must be submitted at least eight (8) weeks prior to the desired cablecast date. At the discretion of staff, and if the desired time slot is available, the eight-week submission rule may be waived to allow the timely cablecasting of newsworthy events.
3. Access Users must sign an Access User agreement on a yearly basis and channel request form before any program is cablecast. Approval by the LakeCAM Executive Director is required.
4. If scheduling and equipment allows, a program may be repeated any time during any weekly period. First-run programs have priority over reruns in slot scheduling.
5. LakeCAM reserves the right to use designated access channels for other purposes, where time on the designated channels has not been scheduled for designated access purposes in accordance with LakeCAM’s PEG access programming operating procedures.
6. Requests for consistent time slots: Program series will be allocated at the discretion of LakeCAM’s Executive Director, provided ample time remains available for other programming requests and if the following conditions are met:
a. PEG Access User(s) produce the material.
b. Titles and descriptions of programs are submitted to the LakeCAM Executive Director at least six (6) weeks in advance of the scheduled time.
c. Access User has new material on a consistent basis.
d. A crew has been trained and certified.
e. If a series access user regularly fails to have the program ready for scheduled cablecast, the staff may, at its discretion, assign the time slot to other Access Users.
f. A series will receive priority scheduling over programs airing one time. g. A series time slot will be allocated for new series only if:
h. Access User has completed two programs prior to application.
7. Except for live and series programming, channel time will generally not be scheduled until a program is complete and all the information pertaining to the program is supplied to the staff for scheduling.
B. Scheduling Conflicts
1. Facility use, and staff time, for media dubbing, training or any other personal purposes shall have the lowest priority and may be bumped from a requested time slot if facilities, and/or staff, are needed for programming or recording.
2. If none of the above applies LakeCAM Executive Director may resolve the conflict at his/her discretion.
C. Cablecasting Procedures
1. Access Users must obtain in writing, and produce upon request, all the necessary approvals, clearances, licenses, etc. in order to cablecast any program material that includes, but is not limited to, cablecast stations, networks, music licensing organizations, performer’s representatives, and any and all other persons as may be necessary for authorization to cablecast the program material. Failure to provide proof of the necessary clearances, rights, licenses, etc. will result in the suspension of the particular program, series, or episode in question until such proof is produced.
2. Labels – Before cablecast, all media must be clearly labeled with the following information:
a. Title of program b. Cablecast date
c. Producer’s name
d. Length of Program, in hours, minutes and seconds
e. Pre-roll length
3. Leader and Trailer — The beginning of all cablecast programs must include the following, in this order:
4. The end of a cablecast program must include the following, in this order:
5. Media owned by the Access User must be picked up within ten days of the last cablecast. After sixty (60) days, LakeCAM assumes no responsibility.
6. Programs scheduled for cablecasting must be brought to the staff at least (3) three business days prior to the scheduled cablecast, unless otherwise arranged with the LakeCAM Executive Director.
D. Technical and Quality Standards
1. Programming must meet minimum quality standards for cablecast. LakeCAM reserves the right to pre-screen programs. If programming does not meet minimum technical and quality standards and/or does not comply with LakeCAM Policies & Procedures, LakeCAM reserved the right to refuse the request for playback.
2. All media supplied for cablecast must be submitted in one of the following formats: MPEG2 or .mov, unless other arrangements have been made.
3. Media must be of such signal quality that a processing amplifier used by the channel will accept the signal. If the amplifier will not accept the signal and the resulting picture is unstable, the media may be rejected.
4. Audio and video quality of all media will be acceptable throughout the program. The following list constitutes the parameters by which this should be judged:
a. Video: clarity (contrast, brightness & focus); color balance and saturation; subject/scene framing; screen fit; camera motion; extraneous objects; objectionable dark or
light regions (e.g. reflections, glare), scene composition to convey the best and most appropriate information to viewers.
b. Audio: volume of main speakers; volume of secondary (audience) speakers; inappropriate background or extraneous noise; clarity of sound; consistency of sound level. c. Text: correct word choices, spelling, grammar and punctuation; appropriate font
choices (color, size, boldness and style) for easy readability; screen fit of the full text. d. Presentation: unwanted or inappropriate out-takes; lengthy periods of blank
audio or video; scene transitions; appropriate accompanying music.
5. If staff notices an abnormal number of production problems with submitted media (i.e. poor audio or video quality), an Access User may be asked to re-train.
E. Credits/Disclaimers/Labeling of Sensitive Material
1. LakeCAM reserves the right to include the following notice before and/or after a program:
“The views expressed on the following [and/or “preceding”] program are those of the individual producer and do not necessarily reflect those of LakeCAM. LakeCAM is not responsible for the production or quality of this program.”
2. If requested by LakeCAM the following credit shall be added: “The preceding program was made possible by LakeCAM.”
3. If LakeCAM makes a good-faith determination that the subject material in a program may offend some viewers and/or may not be appropriate for children, LakeCAM may require that the following announcement be added to the beginning of the program: “The following program may contain sensitive material. Viewer discretion is advised.” LakeCAM reserves the right to run potentially offensive programming at later time periods. Failure to notify LakeCAM of potentially offensive material prior to a program or episode airing may result in loss of privileges.
F. Grants, Underwriting and Sponsorship
1. Underwriting for programs must be for goods and services or in-kind contributions that aid in developing and improving the program. Credit for underwriting will be similar to the following: “Goods and services used in the production of this program were contributed by [company name].” Credits will be shown before and after the program and can be displayed at periodic intervals during the program. Such programs must still include LakeCAM’s credit (See above).
2. LakeCAM must be notified that a program will be underwritten at the time the program proposal is submitted.
3. Any individual or group submitting a proposal for grant funding for a project which involves the use of LakeCAM’s equipment must have obtained prior written approval from LakeCAM’s Executive Director.
G. Personal Profit/Commercial Use
Individuals, non-profit organizations, or any other Access Users may not use all or any part of the program for personal profit. Access Users found to be using the facilities or equipment for personal profit will be subject to loss of privileges.
H. Bicycled Programs
Video media that is not produced in the town, rather, it is pre-produced and pre-recorded material that is shipped or brought to operators for PEG Access use. Bicycled media must be strictly non-commercial in nature and technical and production quality must be high. Locally produced programs will receive priority scheduling.
1. A resident must sponsor the bicycled program by signing the producer/sponsor form and providing proof of residency.
2. Any public, non-profit organization or state agency can bicycle media with only one representative as the sponsor. The non-profit organization does not have to be based in the town but the representative must be able to furnish proof of its non-profit status and that it does serve that town, i.e. one representative must be a resident of the town who will sign an Access User Agreement.
LakeCAM’s channel and facilities are a medium for expression and free speech. No individual will be denied the use of the facilities on the basis of race, gender, age, physical disability, religion, or political belief. It is hoped that PEG Access residents, non-profit organizations, and institutions will utilize this resource as a means to produce a wide variety of programs.
A. Eligibility to Use Production Equipment and Facilities
1. Availability — Equipment and facilities are available to residents of the town and representatives or employees of non-profit organizations and agencies that serve the town on a first-come, first-served, and non-discriminatory basis.
2. Access Users must make an appointment with LakeCAM’s Executive Director to schedule equipment pick up and equipment return. Appointments are necessary for all training sessions.
3. Minors — Eligible persons who are minors must have written permission from their parent or guardian to use LakeCAM facilities and equipment. The parent or guardian must sign the Access User Agreement, accepting responsibility for scheduled production equipment and/or program material if the minor is the producer of a program. A responsible adult shall execute the necessary assurances that authorization has been obtained concerning the use of any equipment by a minor and/or appearance of any minors on a cablecast program. Such adults shall be responsible for liability resulting from the use of equipment or an appearance by a
minor. Similarly there will be no field trips or other excursions with minors outside the LakeCAM facility at 4 Precinct Street, Lakeville, MA.
4. Access User must have successfully completed the applicable LakeCAM workshop or demonstrate, on a standardized equipment use test, the basic operation of the requested video equipment. If the Access User has not used the equipment or facilities for more than one year, re-certification may be required.
5. Access Users must sign an Access User Agreement before using the facilities.This document certifies that the Access User has read, understands, and will abide by the operating rules, and agrees to be solely responsible for the content of any programs produced or scheduled for cablecast if they are the producer of record.
B. General Facility Policies — LakeCAM is pleased to provide facilities, equipment, and channel time for television productions. In return, we ask that Access Users obey all of the franchise requirements and LakeCAM’s PEG access programming operating Policies and Operating Procedures regarding channel and facility use.
1. No smoking, food, or beverages in open containers are allowed in the control room, studio or near portable equipment, at any time.
2. Anyone found to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be removed from the premises. This will result in the loss of privileges.
3. Abide by safety guidelines. See Section C below.
4. There will be no use of phones or other office equipment, unless granted permission by LakeCAM LakeCAM Executive Director.
5. Access Users are responsible for loss or damage to facilities and equipment due to negligence or abuse.
6. Access Users of LakeCAM equipment and post-production facilities, will not change wiring, patch bays, or components. No attempt should be made to work on or repair equipment. Any damage caused in this manner will be charged to the Access User. A loss of privileges will result from such equipment abuse. Access Users of LakeCAM equipment should report any defects or problems to the staff.
7. Access Users that are found to be misusing or abusing LakeCAM equipment may be asked to repeat training, testing and/or be subject to loss of privileges.
8. LakeCAM Executive Director may waive certain equipment and facility rules at their discretion.
9. All Access Users will be put on an active list of volunteers, who will be contacted via email or telephone when local event coverage is requested.
10. When LakeCAM requests coverage of a particular event, the Access User who is assigned to cover the event will receive a stipend of $50 for the full coverage of that event. LakeCAM requested events will be determined and assigned by the LakeCAM Executive Director. The Access User must sign the Coverage Commitment/Reimbursement form prior to coverage in order to be paid.
C. Facility and Conduct Rules Specific to the Lakeville Public Library
LakeCAM Board members, staff and designated interns or volunteers are authorized to have limited key and alarm access to the Library building. This access provides 24/7 egress to the LakeCAM office, closet, kitchen, Great Ponds Gallery and gallery foyer. Keys will be distributed by the Library Director and each key holder shall have a personal alarm code. In the event that a key is no longer needed, it shall be returned to the Library Director and the alarm code will be erased.
1. State law prohibits smoking in the building or on the grounds of the Lakeville Public Library.
2. State law prohibits the use of alcohol or drugs in the building or on the grounds of the Lakeville Public Library.
3. No pets are allowed in the building, with the exception of service animals.
4. Library rooms or areas that are to be used for LakeCAM purposes must be reserved following Library procedure.
5. The Library staff is not responsible for assistance with LakeCAM office operation or programming or for relaying messages to the LakeCAM office or individuals involved with LakeCAM programs.
6. Fire code requires that all doors – gallery, closet, kitchen, LakeCAM office – be closed when the building is vacant.
7. The outside “gazebo” door should remain locked.
8. LakeCAM items stored in the chair storage closet should be kept against the wall to the left of the door.
D. Volunteer Standards of Conduct for Non-LakeCAM Employees
1. Keep yourself safe, keep others safe, and keep LakeCAM property and equipment safe at all times. Endangering the safety of oneself, others, or LakeCAM property will not be tolerated.
2. Appropriate, professional, and respectful behavior is expected at all times.Violent behavior will not be tolerated. This includes threatening or intimidating language, any form of
physical assault such as striking or manhandling another person, or fighting. Weapons, or any objects resembling weapons, are prohibited while at LakeCAM facilities.
3. Behavior that could be construed as threatening, intimidating or harassing (including sexual harassment) toward fellow volunteers, customers, vendors, or employees will not be tolerated.
4. Dishonesty with employees or falsifying records or any other access-related documents will not be tolerated. Loss of privileges and/or court action may occur if warranted/applicable.
5. Be courteous and polite to others, including employees, other volunteers, and guests of the facility.
6. Carrying and/or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol at any time while on LakeCAMproperty,orwhileusingLakeCAMequipment,isprohibited. Lossofprivileges and/or court action may occur if warranted/applicable.
7. Smoking is not permitted near any LakeCAM equipment (including in the field and at home).
8. LakeCAM facilities are accessible only with proper authorization. This includes, but is not limited to, LakeCAM email, production and editing equipment.
9. Respect for, and appropriate use of, LakeCAM property and equipment is required.
10. Privileges may be lost for engaging in any other conduct that LakeCAM deems unacceptable.
E. General Rules for Equipment Use
Public, educational, government access programming is created by volunteers and depends on the participation of many active, trained volunteers who use video communication tools in order to independently reflect their ideas. LakeCAM staff will assist residents in assembling production crews from among trained and qualified volunteers. Non-profit organizations and municipal agencies planning to create programs on a regular basis are encouraged to form a television production committee, which LakeCAM will then train. Training for the production of programming will be provided on a first-come, first-served, non- discriminatory basis in accordance with the LakeCAM’s PEG access programming operating Policies and Procedures.
1. Access Users must be properly certified and have completed all required planning and equipment forms approved by the staff before the equipment, or facilities will be scheduled.
2. Access Users should only identify themselves as Access Users, not as employees or staff of LakeCAM.
3. Reservations for equipment or facility use may be made up to one month in advance and should be made at least two (2) week in advance. Confirmation of facility and equipment reservations, forty-eight (48) hours in advance, is strongly recommended. Reservations can be made with LakeCAM’s Executive Director in person, by phone or by email. Access user must obtain a confirmation if reservation is made by email. Never assume your email was received, ask for, and receive a confirming reply eMail. If no confirming email is received please call LakeCAM’s Executive Director for confirmation.
4. Additional materials for productions, beyond those supplied by LakeCAM (i.e. graphics, media, other materials, etc.), must be supplied by the Access User and must be removed from facility when not in use.
Device (Flash RAM Card) for program coverage must be returned with equipment when recording is completed.
5. All media supplied by Access Users, Sponsors and/or Producers will be permanently removed from the LakeCAM facility after sixty (60) working days unless arrangements have been made with the LakeCAM Executive Director.
6. Cancellation of equipment or facility reservations should be made at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance, except in the case of emergencies. Repeated last minute cancellations may result in loss of privileges.
F. Portable/Field Equipment
1. Access Users holding equipment reservations must follow these check-out and check-in procedures:
a. Sign all required forms and equipment checklists. b. Determine if equipment is in working order.
a. Equipmentmustbereturnedontime.
b. Any problems with equipment or damage must be noted on the equipment checklist and brought to staff attention.
2. Equipment must be picked up and returned by making an appointment with the LakeCAM Executive Director.
3. Failure to return LakeCAM equipment when due may result in suspension of Access User privileges.
4. Equipment may be borrowed for a maximum of forty-eight (48) hours (2 days) during the week and seventy-two (72) hours (3 days) over the weekend. Longer loan periods must be requested at the time the reservation is made and will be honored at the discretion of staff.
5. Access Users with portable equipment already checked out will not be allowed to check out additional equipment, unless special arrangements are made with staff.
6. Only in special cases, and with staff permission, can Access Users take equipment outside of the towns being served by LakeCAM.
G. Editing and Post Production
Requests to use the editing equipment for titles, special effects, etc. shall be made at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance and will be subject to the discretion of staff.
H. Program Planning Proposal
A planning proposal describes the program idea, lists the target audience, outlines production needs, and selects the appropriate production format, facilities and equipment needed to complete a program. A Program Planning Proposal also determines the production responsibilities and copyright ownership. These and other forms are available for planning productions, including a Crew Sign-up Sheet, Pre-Production Planning Form and Post- Production Planning Form. These optional forms are recommended for additional guidance.
I. Use of LakeCAM During Emergencies
Government use of LakeCAM during emergencies and disasters declared by the Emergency Management Director or Lakeville Selectmen has absolute priority over other programming. During such emergencies or disasters, LakeCAM shall be permitted to accept live, taped, character-generated and audio information from governmental or non-governmental entities when such announcements are deemed by Emergency Management Director or Lakeville Selectmen to provide important public information pertaining to the emergency or disaster or other conditions requiring protection of the public health, safety and welfare.
A. Access Users of television channels and program producers are fully responsible for the
content of all program material and have the following program rights and privileges: 1. Ownership of rights to all original material.
2. To request that program media held by LakeCAM be discontinued from cablecast or erased in the event that program information becomes outdated or obsolete.
3. To play or distribute the media, for nonprofit purposes only, provided LakeCAM is given graphic credit within the program at each cablecast date or play.
4. DVDs for making duplicates (dubs) must be provided by the individual or group making the dub.
5. Duplication services may be purchased from LakeCAM. Lakeville governmental bodies and Access Users are permitted one free DVD of their completed, ready-for-cablecast
program. This policy does not apply to raw, unedited or work print footage. Access Users may also create up to 5 DVD dubs at no charge (but they must provide the DVDs) for the purpose of using their program as a bicycled program.
B. The following material is prohibited:
1. Obscene material is not permitted on LakeCAM. See legal definition on page 4.
2. Material which constitutes libel, slander, invasion of privacy, or which might violate any other local, state or federal law.
3. Programs containing material that violates copyright or trademarks. Use of such material generally requires obtaining appropriate rights from music licensing organizations, publishers, representatives, copyright holders, cablecast stations, networks and any other persons as may be necessary for cablecast. Access Users may be asked to furnish written authorization for use of such materials.
4. Programmaterialthatcreatestheimmediatedangerofdamagetopropertyorinjuryto persons; the substantial obstruction of law enforcement or functions or services; the deprivation of any person by threat, threat of force or physical action through the exercise of a legal right, or the disturbance of any person in the enjoyment of a legal right; or the creation of a public nuisance.
5. Cablecasting of gaming activities (lotteries, drawings, lottery and gambling information)requires prior approval of the LakeCAM Executive Director or Board of Directors who deem it an appropriate part of program content.
6. By law, LakeCAM may not exercise any editorial control over Public, Educational, or Governmental uses of access channels. The cable operator may, however, refuse to transmit a public access program, or a portion of a program, which the cable operator reasonably believes contains obscenity.
C. LakeCAM Program Rights
As LakeCAM has provided materials, facilities, and staff support for the production of programs, LakeCAM has the following rights:
1. To retain the edited master of the program for its digital archive.
2. To make duplications of the program for non-commercial distribution, except where permission has expressly been denied in advance. Producers will always be given graphic credit in the program for such use.
3. To cablecast the program as often as is deemed appropriate.
4. To exercise the option of erasing an obsolete or unusable program after it has been cablecast.
5. LakeCAM should be notified of any subsequent use of any program produced and cablecast at LakeCAM facilities or with LakeCAM equipment if the producer received any profit or remuneration.
6. LakeCAM will own programs produced by LakeCAM’s staff or volunteers. When LakeCAM staff produces a program, with the assistance of volunteer or staff crew, it is considered to be Local Origination Programming and copyright ownership is held entirely by LakeCAM.
D. Political Programming
LakeCAM supports the airing of programs from individuals running for public office and spokespersons from political parties or ballot/warrant issues. Since FCC regulations concerning equal time do not apply to public access programming, LakeCAM places no restrictions on the use of the Public Access channel and facility by political candidates or spokespersons from political parties or ballot/warrant issues, other than those applying to normal and equitable use of the Public Access equipment, facility, and channel scheduling as outlined in these LakeCAM Policies and Procedures. In that vein,
1. Regarding political programs, the following material is ENCOURAGED:
Political presentations which are informative in nature, such that they state who a candidate or ballot/warrant issue is and what it represents in terms of specific ideas, issues, and policies.
Candidate and ballot/warrant issue forums and debates.
Presentations which describe a person’s or organizations’ point of view on a given issue.
5. For more information regarding political programs please refer to LakeCAM’s Executive Director.
A. Grievances — Any grievance regarding the assignment of workshop space, channel time allocation, equipment and studio use, or any other matter regarding LakeCAM facilities should first be discussed with the LakeCAM Executive Director. If that does not provide an acceptable resolution of the issue, a grievance may be filed in writing with the LakeCAM Board of Directors.
1. Political Files – LakeCAM keeps a political file containing a record of:
2. Individual Sponsorship File
FCC rules require sponsorship identification of cablecast material paid or bartered for by any business enterprise. The rule is waived for individual “want ads” or classified ads. Whenever this e exemption is used, a list of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of sponsors of “want ads” or classified advertising must be retained.
A text information service is available, free of charge, to non-profit organizations providing public service announcements and/or event information to the town. No commercial announcements, political fundraisers, advertising, direct appeals for funds, or personal messages will be accepted. However, fundraising events may be announced. Although a “call for more info.” numbers is permitted, messages announcing fundraisers should not contain ticket or admission prices. This rule may be waived by LakeCAM’s Executive Director, at his/her discretion.
B. Procedures
To place a message on the on air bulletin board. (note: on air LakeCAM Bulletin Boards run on Verizon channels 30, 31 & 32, and Comcast channels 9, 20 & 95 when programming is not scheduled to air):
fill out a LakeCAM Bulletin Board form or clearly present only important information on a single page document
b. return by mail, or
c. email, or
d. bring in person (4 Precinct St. Lakeville, MA 02347)
2. Message request should be submitted two (2) weeks prior to the desired start date.
3. General messages that do not pertain to a specific event will be shown, as long as possible, for up to 13 weeks. In order for the message to be renewed, a request must be re- filed every 13 weeks.
4. All other rules regarding limitations on content for programming apply to LakeCAM Bulletin Board announcements.
5. Images can be submitted to be used on your bulletin board announcement either as the background or as an image on the announcement itself. Only JPEG files are accepted and must be a minimum of 680 x 420 pixels.
Violation of any one of these standards can result in loss of privileges to LakeCAM facilities and equipment. LakeCAM has full authority and discretion to deny access privileges as and when it deems appropriate.
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